
PALM Universal Hotsync Patch

New Tutorial Video is in the process of being made. Should be done soon!

How-To Video for installing the patch
Palm Outlook 2013 Fix (Automatic Installer)
Palm Outlook 2010 FIX (Automatic Installer)
Palm Outlook 2010 Fix (OLD)
Do it yourself Palm Outlook fix

   *NEW!*   LG Fathom Homescreen from OFFICIAL V7 ROM
LG Fathom V5 Flash Kit.
LG Volume for WVGA devices (and V4V5 ROMS)
Arcsoft-Be-Gone How-to Install Video
Arcsoft-be-Gone for Verizon
Arcsoft-be-Gone for T-Mobile

For T-Mobile ones, you’ll also need:
>>>>> EITHER
>>>>> The 599 package .cab (Works with a data-less or data-blocked SIM as well)
>>>>> The 2999 package .cab (Should work with middle tier data)
>>>>> The 3999 package .cab (Should work with higher-tier data plans, but I can’t test them)

As I said, I can’t say which will work for you, just try what you can and see what works.
I know for a fact that you can get it working, as I have it working with a data-block SIM and the 599 package. Should work with data SIMs too.

Old Fathom patches are below. new stuff above.
Arcsoft Remover (V2 BETA)
Arcsoft Patch fix (For V1 users)

50 thoughts on “Downloads”

  1. Just downloaded your patch for Outlook 2010 with my Palm Tungsten E2 and it worked perfectly. Thanks very much for a much needed fix.

  2. Been trying to get LGNPST to work so I can flash something but having issues registering my .dll file. Hopefully i can get it working so I can trying something out. I am still on firmware V4 and trying to get to V5.

  3. I cannot get the HotSync to work successfully with my Tungsten E2. I downloaded & installed your setup.exe file. I also downloaded and installed Palm Desktop and HotSync 6.2 – just to make sure I had the most recent. Running XP Media, all SPs current, using cradle/cable to sync via USB port. Outlook 2010 32-bit version running. All this started a few months ago when I upgraded to 2010 from 2007. I do have a laptop on Windows 2007 – think I ought to try to sync using it instead of XP Media on my desktop? I am so confused now. – LBRT

    1. Hi,
      Windows XP should work fine with the patch. What errors or issues are you running into? Does Hotsync give an error when it finishes?

      1. Hey – I read your other page here “Help! …” and copied those two DLL files over as you said – now it works beautifully. I had not seen that yet – sorry to bother you. Thanks so very much for this fix of yours – I wish you a tremendous 2013!!! 🙂 – LBRT

  4. Hi, trying to use the 2013 patch for palm m515. I note that when it comes up it says it is for Ooutlook2010–typo, or perhaps the wrong file. I;ll look at the video again tho…

    1. Hi,
      Yes, it’s a typo. I forgot to update the installer’s language when I updated the files. The 2013 installer has a filename of “setup13” instead of just “setup”

  5. Hi Pizzaboy192.

    Thanks for all of your support with this phone. Is there a chance you could re-upload the V5 flash kit? I am trying to go back from V7 to V5.

    Thank you!

    1. Sure can! It should be a working link, but it seems to have died. I’ll get it sorted in a few minutes!

  6. Danke für das gute Tutorialvideo, super Sache ! You saved me ! Thank you very much ! You the one 😉

  7. I have a new laptop running windows 7 64bit with office 2010 Sp1 installed. When i try to install Palm 6.2 – all goes well until conduit install. I installed your fix. When I try to sync – it seems to sync to plam desktop and not to outlook. Appreciate any suggestions and thanks in advance

    1. Hi,
      Uninstall Hotsync and Palm Desktop, and then do a custom install of it, deselecting Palm Desktop. It’ll only Sync to Outlook then.

  8. It’s worked great, but there’s one kink, Tasks doesn’t sync properly. Everything else goes off without a hitch, but tasks is aborted. Among the 0x0 numbers in the log, it says “Recovery Sync”

    Windows 7
    Outlook 2013 x86
    Treo 650


    1. Check through your tasks quick and see if there are any that have weird due dates or no end dates. Remove or edit them.
      The other way to fix it is to create a new folder in Outlook and move all tasks to that folder, and then slowly move the tasks in groups of 50 back to the sync folder, and run a sync. If it wont sync with a single task, then there’s a config problem. Otherwise you will probably find one that is causing issues.

        1. Yes. IIRC Outlook puts a in there, which Palm OS interprets as something like the year 2997 or something. (Saw it happen when I was doing a large amount of testing between Palm OS and Windows Mobile and Windows CE devices.)

          Try that first and see what happens. Since it is syncing, if that fix doesn’t help, you may want to try asking on HP’s official support forums, as the people there know so much more than I remember about fixing it. I transferred off Palm OS about 3 years ago, went to Windows Mobile for a while, and am now on Windows Phone.

  9. ah i got rid of them all, made just one, and it cleared up the problem.
    I’m just playing with this treo, just got it a couple weeks ago. I intend to go for a lumia 820 or 920 sometime in the next month – i hope at least xD

    1. I was on the HTC Trophy on Verizon, and switched to the Lumia 521 on T-Mobile. Just got an 810 off eBay for less than the cost of a Zune HD (so I’m selling mine to make up for it) and it’s a huge improvement over the 521. The only difference hardware wise between the 8xx and 9xx series is shape. Internals are all the same, but the 8xx series has a removable battery and requires a different back for wireless charging.

  10. Hi,
    My company have just change my laptop.
    Old and new laptop have Win7 32bits.
    The only change is outlook 2007 to 2010.
    I’ve tried your 2 patches (first 2010, then 2013), i’ve the same problem !
    HotSync says : synchro OK! but No change in PALM m515 and no change in outlook ???
    With outlook 2007, it was OK !
    any idea ? Thank you for help

      1. I’ve tried, but answer is : no support for personnal product 🙁 !
        I’ve 2 questions :
        1- is it necessary to install : palmoutlook2007conduits ?
        2- y’ve modify only 2 dll : ocpConduitUI and ocpNotifier ? no other one ?
        Thank you for answer.

  11. mysterious, mysterious ???
    I’ve uninstalled and re-install for xx time !
    And good news : it’s works !!!
    I’ve don’t install : palmoutlook2007conduits, only hotsync and your patch. And now it’s OK.
    Thank you very, very, very much !!!

  12. Hi Pizzaboy192,
    I’ve just downloaded and implemented your patch for Outlook 2010 … and now it works fine. Congratulation for your job. I’ll be able to go on using my Palm Tungsten.
    Many thanks indded from France.

  13. I download the patch. but it doesn’t work on my PC
    my outlook is 2013 palmdesktop is 6.2.2

      1. thanks very much,
        i got the problem, I reinstall desktop into partition C (at the beginning I installed it into partition D)..It works perfectlly now … your effect on palm is appreciate…

  14. pizzaboy192

    -I can’t tell you how grateful I am for your expertise and generosity! I have been searching for some way to synch my Palm Z22 to 2010 Outlook and Windows 7 (Work PC) & Vista 64 bit (Home laptop) for years. I’ve had my trusty Z22 since 8/2007 and have had to use it as a stand alone devise since my laptop was upgraded to Vista and Palm/HP opted not to offer a patch so I could continue to use it. Am beyond thrilled to have stumbled onto your patch download!!!!!!! It worked like a charm –now I just have to make minor adjustments to my Outlook categories and recurring events so my Z22 can handle them. My little unit has served me well and I hope, with careful use and TLC, I’ll be able to use it for a few more years. Many Many Thanks!!!!!

  15. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Once again my Tungsten Palm Pilot has narrowly escaped obsolescence. I’ve had MS Office 2013 for about a year and have been too anxious to install it. When I just did, I got the error message when I tried to synchronize. I applied your patch and it worked great! Thank you again!

  16. Just wanted to say a big “thank you” for the patch so that I can sync my trusty Palm Z22 with Outlook 2010. So grateful!

  17. has the incoming calls on lg fathom vs750 been fixed – if so please give me the rundown on how to switch from wm6 to android other wise dont bother i’ll wait til its fixed as this is my primary phone cant miss any calls.

    ty bro very much appreciate your effort.

  18. After trying for months to figure out how to sync my Palm T|X using HP, etc. software, found your site and within 30 minutes, all was better. Syncing fine with Windows 8.1/Outlook 13!! I was ready to ditch my beloved Palm for a “smart” phone, now, I’m back in business. A hero’s welcome for you when you arrive in heaven!!

  19. is it possible that the patch does not work for German versions?

    using Win 7/64 bit, Outlook 2010 (32bit), HotSync Manager 7.02.

    Please help



  20. Does your Palm Outlook 2010 FIX (Automatic Installer) work with Windows Premium Home? If so it doesn’t seem to work for me.

  21. Does your Palm Outlook 2010 FIX (Automatic Installer) work with Windows Premium Home? If so it doesn’t seem to work for me. I have a Palm Zire 72.

  22. I have been searching to see if it is possible to synch my PalmOne Tungsten/T5 to Outlook 2016 32-bit running on Windows 10.
    I currently sync to Palm Desktop.

    Any advice appreciated.

  23. Very great!!!
    Thanks for your work. My old palm Z22 now works on windows 10 and with outlook 2010. Thanks a lot!!

  24. Hello, I want to synchronize my Palm m505 with Outlook 2013.
    Operating system is Win 10 pro with latest update. Can you help me? Greeting Herbert

  25. Thank you. I’ve kept at Outlook 2007/Office 2007 as long as I can… but wonder if the universal patch works all the way to 2019 in case I’m forced to upgrade (office365 support ending).

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